45th Mediterranean Food and Agriculture Fair

Written by Author | Sep 29, 2019


Powerful energy in the livestock farming industry. Numerous students, breeders, nutritionists, feed manufacturers, consumers, and friends touched, breathed, smelled, saw, and tasted Forte’s “high quality” selection alfalfa. The movement to “build” a culture of food, from the field to our animal’ troughs and our plates, begins with us farmers. Our crops are grown in the Po Delta Regional Park, an alluvial region that is rich in macro and micro elements, with a unique microclimate characterised by a sea breeze, which provides minerals and abundant relative air moisture, and a surface water aquifer thanks to the ground level that has been lowered by 3 meters. This is our value. We are what we eat...

We focus on primary needs: food for the life of all.

Doing and communicating together with you.
Our human value with method and a clear focus: the consumer.
Animal well-being is what animals eat, which is the most nutritious food for animals - people - the environment.
Food is health and life. Let’s think before we buy whatever is cheapest!!

I thank our friend Enzo Renato and the Sicil Zootecnica team for skilfully sharing the Open Farm project: Conveying the Chain IN Chain. Friends, let’s infect each other with love for the health and well-being of all.

Thank you.

Luigi - Conduzioni Aziende Agricole Forte
Giorgio Uccellatori - imp. agricolo
Diego Veronese - Cantautore
Stefania Veneroni - Dox-al Italia Spa
Francesca Marsilli - I. P. S. C. Musatti
Franco Ghelfi - agronomo
Angelo Boffelli - agente
Giuseppe Palosti - allevatore
Silvio Parizzi - Direttore Coldiretti Rovigo
Cristina Paci – Conduzioni Aziende Agricole Forte
Elisabetta Fogarin - Trinity House
Alezzandro Lazzarin - Nonno Nanni
Giovanni Battista Tonon - Caseificio Tonon
Pizzalonga away - Pizzalonga Da Pino - Pizzeria Ristorante da Pino- Treviso
Leonardo Forte - Conduzioni Aziende Agricole Forte

... e ancora! Ancora persone che ci hanno messo il cuore!