“La Terra” Event – 18 dECEMBER 2021

Written by Author | Dec 18, 2021


December the 18th there were many moments of GREAT WITNESS AND GREAT LOVE.
Together with Don Marco Pozza and every person who had the heart to get involved, we talked about listening, listening to each other, and sharing.
We talked about the earth, from which a fertile land can become a desert because of drought!
From the desert, as in everyday life, we can react to create relationships with a stronger seed and more beautiful fruits.
Even in work, if we bring out our most sensitive side, we have the possibility to welcome and open the hearts of people, even of your client.
As the church has to welcome the faithful, in work we need to follow the change if we are convinced too.
Thanks to everyone present also from Turin, Rome, and Calabria region.
VITAL moment was the many witnesses of life.
As that of “Happy”, a boy escaped from Senegal, arrived 6 years ago on a boat, who tries to integrate with dignity by taking care our street without begging.
And many others. All so real to be ours.
We have harvested good fruits, right in the Christmas time.
We continue to “contaminate” ourselves with human value, heart in hand and always together.
Thank you, Don Marco, On the Road to Emmaus, for being at my side on this journey.

We also thank those who have believed with us in this special event:
Caseifici Agricoli
Casale Nibbi Azienda Agricola Amatrice
Azienda Agricola Siviglia
Pastis Official