Open Farm’s Meetings: “Between Culture and Cultivation”

Written by Author | Sep 14, 2019

Il Parco Regionale del Delta del Po

A journey of discovery regarding the origins of food: the earth. We are what we eat. 

Our testimonies are important for the creation of human value, relationships, and opportunities IN Chain, as well for gathering different skills. Spending a day surrounded by nature, water, earth, crops, colours, and scents was an unforgettable privilege. Feelings and emotions overwhelmed us before we ended the day in a field of alfalfa, listening to songs, the lyrics of which transported us to a sea of green, the very spot in which we were immersed. Thank you to everyone!

Open Farm Srl - Gigi Luigi Forte

With: Trinity House - Confindustria Veneto Siav - Museo Della Bonifica Cá Vendramin - Conduzioni Aziende Agricole Forte

Video: Le Immagini di Felice Monopoli