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Safety and quality in Agricole Forte dehydrated Alfalfa

Safety and quality in Agricole Forte dehydrated Alfalfa

The forage industry shows an increasing concern for the safety and quality of products used to feed livestock.

In this context, a superfood such as Agricole Forte's dehydrated alfalfa exemplifies this paradigm. By adopting a proactive approach, in fact, Agricole Forte is committed to the production of high-quality dehydrated alfalfa that is free of mycotoxins and aflatoxins. 

Our approach, called the Forte Method, is designed in detail to meet and exceed farmers' expectations, ensuring a safe, nutritious and contaminant-free product.

Agricole Forte's commitment to safety and quality

Agricole Forte instituted a strict protocol to ensure that its dehydrated alfalfa meets the highest standards of safety and quality. This process begins with the painstaking selection of seeds, moving through constant crop monitoring to the harvesting and dehydration stage. Special focus on sustainable farming practices and the use of advanced low-temperature dehydration technology allows for the preservation of the nutritional qualities of alfalfa, sanitizing the product (thus eradicating mycotoxins and aflatoxins) and eliminating contaminants, such as ash, soil, stones and field residues.


Quality control and contaminant prevention

Alfalfa quality control is a cornerstone of Agricole Forte's efforts.

As already mentioned, it is the implementation of a proactive approach that allows the prevention of mycotoxins through a series of checks and analyses carried out at different stages of production.

This includes field inspection, weather assessment, and finished product analysis, ensuring that dehydrated alfalfa is always contaminant-free and safe for animal consumption, low in ash and high in digestibility and nutrients.

Alfalfa dehydration process

However, does the dehydration process affect the quality of alfalfa forage? 

This question is surely relevant, and our answer is to opt for a leading-edge dehydration method that not only ensures pathogen eradication but also preserves the nutritional properties of alfalfa

Dehydration is a choice that allows the company to keep high nutritional value, avoiding spontaneous fermentation and oxidation in the field after mowing due to the sun's rays, and ensure a green forage. This process keeps the protein value, vitamins, and minerals intact, making the final product highly beneficial for farm animals.

Benefits of high-quality dehydrated alfalfa

Agricole Forte dehydrated alfalfa brings many benefits to farm animals. Rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, it contributes significantly to animal well-being and health.

Farmers can therefore enjoy a product that supports the animals' growth, fertility, immune system, and productivity, while reducing the risk of feed-related diseases and consequently improving their longevity.

Mycotoxins and aflatoxins, how to prevent them with monitoring

Risk management concerns such as mycotoxins and aflatoxins in alfalfa are treated very seriously by Agricole Forte. By implementing advanced monitoring and control techniques, it is possible to identify and neutralize any potential risk, ensuring that the dehydrated alfalfa produced does not contain contaminants.

This approach not only safeguards animal health but also strengthens farmers' trust in the forage they purchase.

For a future focused on safety and quality

Agricole Forte's commitment to ensuring safety and quality of dehydrated alfalfa is expressed in every aspect of production. From seed selection to delivery of the final product, the company follows strict protocols to ensure that each bale of dehydrated alfalfa not only meets but exceeds the quality standards set by the industry and farmer expectations.

Through its innovative practices and commitment to sustainability, Agricole Forte stands as a benchmark for the animal feed supply chain, proving that it is possible to successfully combine productivity with ethical and environmental aspects.

All this is not only because dehydrated alfalfa is a safe and premium feed for farm animals, being a key plant ingredient in the diet of all herbivorous, ruminant and monogastric animals. Furthermore, the company's constant commitment to innovation and the adoption of increasingly advanced production practices enables it to always offer effective, sustainable, and state-of-the-art solutions, creating fodder for informed and forward-thinking farmers.

Sustainability and responsibility in dehydrated Alfalfa production

Sustainability is a concept that is more than just protecting the environment; it is about creating a production ecosystem that is beneficial to all its stakeholders, from farmers to ranchers, from animals to end consumers. Agricole Forte, through its low-temperature alfalfa dehydration process and its contaminant prevention strategies, proves that it is possible to combine high quality production with respect for the environment.

This not only ensures a safe and nutritious product but also contributes to the overall health and well-being of farm animals, factors that reflect positively on the entire food chain.

A trustworthy partner for breeders

Farmers who choose Agricole Forte's dehydrated alfalfa can thus trust a reliable partner that fully understands their needs and expectations. The transparency and integrity with which the company carries out its operations are proof of its commitment to building solid and lasting relationships based on trust and shared values. Agricole Forte is not just a supplier but a true ally on the path to more informed and sustainable livestock farming.

Ask our experts which of our products to choose for your farm, opting for the safety of Agricole Forte dehydrated alfalfa in a format most convenient for your type of production.